Ieva Kygienė Director of SERMĖGA UAB Born on 31 July, 1964 in Lithuania, Šiauliai district, Giriškių village.
Mother instilled the love and the beauty of the attire. Ieva remembers when her mother with antique Singer pedal sewing machine sewed dresses, for brothers – pants, jackets and so gave children the great joy.
After graduating from Kuršėnai secondary school in 1982, she went to learn the craft of a dressmaker to Klaipėda. In 1986 graduated with honors and was assigned to work in Šiauliai as a seamstress and sewed coats for women. Quickly mastered the art of sewing, cutting and went on studying design methodology to Vilnius. Later, in 1993, she shared her knowledge and experience with future young seamstress at Kuršėnai Polytechnic school. Working as a trainer and teaching children craft of sewing, continued her studies at Kaunas University of Technology in clothing design and technology. In 2001 graduated her studies and obtained a master’s degree in industrial engineering. Today she adapts her skills in practice.
Ieva founded the sewing company and named it “SERMĖGA” in 2005. She has been running her business since then until now.
This name is derived from the ancient Lithuanian folk garment – Sermėga. Sermėga (jermėkas, overcoat) – top women’s and men’s winter clothing, sewn of homemade woven fabric homespun (wool). Sermėga was modeled flared out down, to the knees and longer, tight at the waist, decorated with black velvet, fur or dark material.

The company’s activities
The company SERMĖGA was founded in 2005 in Kuršėnai, Šiauliai district. The company employs 30 young qualified specialists: technologists, clothing designers, tailors and dressmakers. Work is done qualitatively, responsibly and on time by friendly team.
The sewing company provides various services: sew men’s, women’s, children’s clothing, home textiles, beddings, clothing and accessories for dogs. The company designers design products from linen, such as handbags, home textiles, beddings, tablecloths, towels, men’s, women’s and children’s wear. Since 2013 we have started to create and sew clothes for animals, for example, dog clothing and accessories.

The company provides not only tailoring services, but also cutting, construction and packaging. Designers work closely with customers and assist them creating a better model, revise drawings, if necessary they help to reconstruct, manufacture and multiply the patterns according to size.
The quality controllers check the quality of the products, pack according to the customer‘s requirements, prepare and store for the shipping. The personnel responsible employee arranges transport and delivery of products to the customers, mediates the delivery of products to foreign countries personally with the clients, finds the transport company, fulfills all requirements of the agreement with the customer.
The company provides sewing services for Lithuanian companies: Omniteksas, Trivilita, Audimas and foreign companies: Norway Sleep Scandinavia, Sweden Front Garden, Pyttisen.se. We have been working with these companies up to now. Our young and promising company always looks for new contacts and business partners.